DIY Home Security: Arduino Intruder Alarm System with ESP32 & Blynk Cloud Integration

Arduino Intruder Alarm System

Overview Welcome to this comprehensive tutorial on building your very own Arduino Intruder Alarm System. In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through the process of creating a robust and effective security system using the Beetle ESP32 C3 board, DF robot mm wave Radar (human presence sensor), and Blynk Cloud integration. This project will enable you … Read more

YouTube Channel Statistics Display with NodeMCU(ESP8266) and I2C OLED Display – Easy


In this project we are goin to make a YouTube Channel Statistics Display with NodeMCU(ESP8266). In this project we make you familiar using and OLED with NodeMCU and using Google Cloud Console . We are reading the channel statistics using the Google API service and displaying that data to the OLED. This project can be … Read more

DHT11 with Adafruit.IO: Temp and Hum Monitoring with NodeMCU

DHT11 with Adafruit

Overview This project aims to acquaint you IoT(internet of things) using the DHT11 with platform. By incorporating the DHT11 temperature/humidity sensor, we capture real-time data and transmit it to The focus lies on establishing two-way communication between and NodeMCU, providing a practical demonstration of seamless interaction. Watch it on YouTube. Components Required … Read more