YouTube Channel Statistics Display with NodeMCU(ESP8266) and I2C OLED Display – Easy


In this project we are goin to make a YouTube Channel Statistics Display with NodeMCU(ESP8266). In this project we make you familiar using and OLED with NodeMCU and using Google Cloud Console . We are reading the channel statistics using the Google API service and displaying that data to the OLED. This project can be … Read more

DHT11 with Adafruit.IO: Temp and Hum Monitoring with NodeMCU

DHT11 with Adafruit

Overview This project aims to acquaint you IoT(internet of things) using the DHT11 with platform. By incorporating the DHT11 temperature/humidity sensor, we capture real-time data and transmit it to The focus lies on establishing two-way communication between and NodeMCU, providing a practical demonstration of seamless interaction. Watch it on YouTube. Components Required … Read more